Virtual Private Network (VPN) - Brown University

May 13, 2020 Wi-Fi & Network Access | Office of Information Technology Virtual Private Network (VPN) service is available to staff and research postgraduate students requiring secure remote access to HKBU campus network for legitimate purposes of teaching, research and administration. Please refer to the VPN User Guides. Salud Laptop Installer - Boston University Warning: If you are logged into Salud and you close your laptop or you are disconnected from the internet for any reason you will not be able to reconnect without calling IT at (617) 358-4300, emailing, or waiting eight hours for your connection to be reset.When connected to the Salud VPN, you will not be able to access the outside internet; you will only be able to access Salud VPN | Information Technology Services - University of

To login to Questrom World, you need to either be on BU wifi, ethernet, or log into VPN.

May 21, 2020

Which VPN Should I use? -

About VPN (Virtual Private Networking) at BC - Technology May 13, 2020 Wi-Fi & Network Access | Office of Information Technology Virtual Private Network (VPN) service is available to staff and research postgraduate students requiring secure remote access to HKBU campus network for legitimate purposes of teaching, research and administration. Please refer to the VPN User Guides. Salud Laptop Installer - Boston University Warning: If you are logged into Salud and you close your laptop or you are disconnected from the internet for any reason you will not be able to reconnect without calling IT at (617) 358-4300, emailing, or waiting eight hours for your connection to be reset.When connected to the Salud VPN, you will not be able to access the outside internet; you will only be able to access Salud